Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the latest post from EPB Pest Control - Bed Bugs London. This post, frequently asked questions, may answer some of the questions you have about bed bugs or help you understand bed bugs and treatments better.
As I have said in many previous posts understanding bed bugs and knowledge of bed bugs will not only assist in the control of them but help you to ensure you know the signs to limit the risk of future bed bug infestations in your home.
A female bed bug can lay up to 300 eggs in her life time in the right conditions.
Small, 1 mm, white and sticky, bed bug eggs can be difficult to spot to the untrained eye and can be one of the difficulties in eradicating bed bugs from your home due to the places these eggs can be laid and how far they will spread them.
Also people moving items from the bedroom that have eggs on them spreads the problem to other parts of the house which doesn't become apparent until they hatch and this should be avoided.
Never move items from under the bed to another room. These items are high risk to contain bed bug eggs so this is a big no and if they are being removed to be discarded should be bagged up first.
Also people moving items from the bedroom that have eggs on them spreads the problem to other parts of the house which doesn't become apparent until they hatch and this should be avoided.
Never move items from under the bed to another room. These items are high risk to contain bed bug eggs so this is a big no and if they are being removed to be discarded should be bagged up first.
Some more frequently asked questions:
- Can you see bed bugs? Yes, in fact an adult bed bug is similar in size to an apple pip and easily seen.
- Will steam kill bed bugs? Yes it will, but you would need to treat many items accurately to ensure all bugs are eliminated and steam can pose its own challenges and risks.
- Do bed bugs fly? No bedbugs do not fly.
- Do bed bugs transmit any disease? No, but you could get an infection from scratching bedbug bites and breaking the skin as they do itch so apply cream.
- Do bed bugs only live on the bed? No definitely not. Bed bugs can be found anywhere you spend a prolonged period of time, bed bugs, sofas, chairs. They can also be found down the side of carpets close to the bed, top of curtains, book shelves, rear of pictures, inside furniture, on items under the bed, tops of walls, rear of bedroom doors, in books and cases, boxes. Basically, anywhere in the room they could be found.
- How long can bed bugs survive without feeding? Tricky one, and best answered up to a year. Bed bugs are cold blooded and in cooler conditions their metabolism will slow down enabling them to live longer. In room temperature, 3-5 months would be more realistic.
- Do bed bugs prefer dirty houses? No. This is a myth. People say it wont happen to me my house is clean. Bed bugs can be found in the cleanest homes or hotels, hostels. A bed bug does not care about the condition of a property.
- Do bed bugs like heat? No they dislike heat. Bed bugs do not even like the heat of our bodies, only sticking around long enough for their feed then moving away once it gets to hot. This is why bedbugs bite in different places and you see tracks. Heat is also a good but expensive method of bed bug control and removal. Its a more common bed bug treatment in the U.S.A
- How are bed bugs spread? Bed bugs are spread on items such as clothing, bags and luggage if you have stayed somewhere that has bed bugs or by someone visiting you that has bed bugs. Also, bed bug infested furniture being brought into a property, beds, sofas, pictures. Holiday and travelling. I have seen cases of people taking items home they found on the street and then becoming infested with bed bugs and even people buying items from internet auction sites that were infested therefore becoming infested themselves.
- How much are bed bug treatments? That will depend on the bed bug company you use, the amount of bedrooms to be treated, the type of treatment among other things. Every company has it's own pricing and way it carries out bed bug control treatments.
- How do you prepare for a bed bug treatment? Again, a good bed bug control company will take you through preparation requirements in advance, but here is some information from myself on this subject - How to prepare for a bed bug treatment.
- Do I need to stay out of the house during the treatment? Depending on what treatment is done, what that companies procedure is, then possibly yes, you would not be able to re enter treated areas for between 3 - 6 hours at the advice of the pest control or bed bug control company. You will also be instructed on cleaning and what to do/not to do.
If you would like further information on bed bug control or you have other questions please do contact me. I am more than happy to answer any questions and give advice or point you in the right direction for any additional information you may need.
Bed bugs can cause severe stress and anxiety. There is help available.
Darren Groves
Bed Bugs London blog
EPB Pest Control
EPB Pest Control
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